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  • 姓名: 陈畅
  • 性别: 女
  • 职称: 博士 研究员 博士生导师
  • 职务: 国家“杰出青年基金”获得者   中科院生物物理所,生物大分子国家重点实验室副主任,研究组长
  • 学历: 研究员
  • 电话: 010-64888406
  • 传真: 
  • 电子邮件: changchen@ibp.ac.cn
  • 通讯地址: 北京市朝阳区大屯路15号(100101)
    简  历:
  •   1986 - 1990    南开大学,理学学士学位

      1990 - 1993    北京师范大学,理学硕士学位

      1993 - 1996    北京大学,理学博士学位

      1996 - 1998    中国科学院生物物理研究所,助理研究员

      1998 - 2000 中国科学院生物物理研究所副研究员,获得英国皇家学会K. C. Wong Fellowship,受英国皇家学会Joint project资助,在英国国立食品研究所(Institute of Food Research, UK)做访问学者。

      2000 - 至今    中国科学院生物物理研究所创新研究课题组长(PI),2004年晋升研究员

      2004.12-2005.3 英国剑桥MRC(Medical Research Council),访问学者

      2015 - 至今    生物大分子与科教融合卓越中心,研究员

      2015 - 至今    中国科学院大学,岗位教授

  •    ◆ 生物大分子国家重点实验室副主任;中国科学院大学岗位教授;国家重大科学研究计划(“973”)项目首席科学家;国家重点研发计划项目负责人

       ◆ 中国生物物理学会常务理事;中国生物物理学会女科学家分会会长;中国生化与分子生物学学会理事;北京生化与分子生物学学会副理事长

       ◆ 中国生物物理学会衰老生物学分会副理事长;中国细胞生物学学会衰老细胞生物学分会常务理事;中国老年学和老年医学学会抗衰老分会委员

       ◆ 中国生物物理学会自由基生物学与医学专业委员会副主任;亚洲国际自由基学会委员

       ◆ 国际自由基生物学核心期刊Free Radical Biology & Medicine 副主编(中国首位);Free Radical Research编委;Redox Biology编委;《生物物理学报》副主编;《生物物理与生物化学进展》编委

       ◆ 香山科学会议“氧化还原平衡与重大疾病防治新策略”执行主席

  •   生命离不开氧,细胞的氧化还原状态直接调控蛋白质等大分子功能,氧化还原应激是细胞信号转导和效应的重要调控方式,介导衰老、神经退行性疾病、代谢病、肿瘤等许多生理和病理过程。陈畅课题组长期致力于系统揭示细胞内氧化还原生物活性小分子的产生和代谢,发现氧化还原调控的新基因,结合光遗传学技术及自主构建的特异氧化还原探针和超高分辨成像技术,“绘制”细胞内不同细胞器內源氧化还原状态全景图谱(Redox Map),阐述氧化还原活性小分子与生物大分子的cross talk,研究氧化还原调控与衰老及相关疾病的关系以及天然产物和中医药(如:枸杞)的有效调控及中医药现代化理论。主要研究方向包括:氧化还原调控,衰老,中医药理论和作用机制(traditional Chinese medicine, TCM)。具体包括:细胞氧化还原调控与衰老及相关疾病;一氧化氮与蛋白质巯基亚硝基化修饰(S-nitros(yl)ation)及其它巯基修饰和细胞质量控制;缺氧与疾病及调控(肿瘤、代谢疾病、心脑血管疾病等),重点开展S-nitrosoglutathione reductase (GSNOR) 和 phosphatidylinositol 4-kinase type IIα (PI4KIIα) 的功能、机制和转化应用研究。

  •   1. Yao, Q., Zhang, Y.Y., Wu K.Y., Chu B.Y., Chen, C. * (2019). Nobiletin rescues congnitive impairment in naturally aging mice. Progress in Biochemistry and Biophysics, 46(6): 578-586.

      2. Ban, Y., Liu Y.H., Li, Y.Z., Zhang, Y.Y., Xiao, L., Gu, Y., Chen, S.L., Zhao, B.L., Chen, C.* & Wang, N.P. * (2019). S-nitrosation impairs KLF4 activity and instigates endothelial dysfunction in pulmonary arterial hypertension. Redox Bio. Jan 7; 21.

      3. Li, J., Zhang, Y., Zhang, Y.Y., Lü, S.L., Miao, Y.T., Yang, J., Huang, S.M., Ma, X.L., Han, L.L., Deng, J.C., Fan, F.F., Liu, B., Huo, Y., Xu, Q.B., Chen, C.*, Wang, X. * & Feng, J. * (2018). GSNOR modulates hyperhomocysteinemia-induced T cell activation and atherosclerosis by switching Akt S-nitrosylation to phosphorylation. Redox Bio. Jul;17:386-399.

      4. Zhang, L.F., Li, J. M., Zhang, P. P., Gao, Z., Zhao, Y.Y., Qiao, X.H. &Chen, C.* (2018). PI4KIIα Regulates Insulin Secretion and Glucose Homeostasis via a PKD-Dependent Pathway. Biophysics Reports. 4(1):25-38.

      5. Li, J.M., Gao, Z., Zhao, D., Zhang L.F., Qiao X.H., Zhao Y.Y., Ding, H., Zhang, P.P., Lu, J.Y., Liu, J., Jiang, H.L., Luo, C.* &Chen, C.* (2017). PI-273, a substrate-competitive, specific small molecule inhibitor of PI4KIIα, inhibits the growth of breast cancer cells. Cancer Research. 77(22):6253-6266.

      6. Zhang,Y.Y., Wu, K.Y., Su W.T., Zhang D.F., Wang, P., Qiao, X.H.,, Yao, Q., Yuan,  Z.Q., Yao, Y.G., Liu, G.H., Zhang, C., Liu, L.M. &Chen, C.* (2017). Increased GSNOR expression during aging impairs cognitive function and decreases S-nitrosation of CaMKIIα. J. Neurosci. 37(40):9741-9758.

      7. Li, Y.Z., Zhang, Y.Y., Wang, L., Wang, P., Xue Y.H., Li X.P., Qiao, X.H., Zhang, Xu., Xu, T., Liu G.H., Li, P. &Chen, C.* (2017). Autophagy impairment mediated by S-nitrosation of ATG4B leads to neurotoxicity in response to hyperglycemia, Autophagy,13(7):1145-1160.

      8. Ding, Y.Z., Li, Y.Z., Zhang, X., He, J.L., Lu, D., Fang, X., Wang, Y,C., Wang, J.X., Zhang, Y.Y., Qiao, X.H., Gan, L.M., Chen, C.*& Zhu, Y.* (2017). Soluble epoxide hydrolase activation by S-nitrosation contributes to cardiac ischemia–reperfusion injury. J Mol Cell Cardiol. 110:70-79.

      9. Meng, J., Lv, Z.Y., Qiao, X.H., Li, X.P., Li, Y.Z. & Chen, C.* (2017). The decay of Redox-stress Adaptive Capacity is a substantive characteristic of aging: revising the redox theory of aging. Redox Bio.11,365-374.

      10. Zhang, H., Yang, J., Si, W., Gong, W., Chen, C.* & Perrett, S.* (2016). Glutathionylation of DnaK provides a link between oxidative stress and the heat shock response. J. Biol. Chem. 291, 6967-6981.

      11. Gao, L., Zhang, Y.Y., Wang Y., Qiao X.H., Zi, J., Chen, C.* & Wan, Y.* (2016) . Reduction of PCN biosynthesis by NO in Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Redox Bio. 8, 252–258.

      12. Yin, R.Y., Fang, Li., Li, Y.J., Xue P., Li Y.Z., Guan Y.F., Chang Y.S., Chen, C.* & Wang, N.P.* (2015). Pro- inflammatory Macrophages suppress PPARγ activity in Adipocytes via S-nitrosylation. Free Radic. Biol. Med. 89, 895-905.

      13. Qiao, X.H., HU, M.X., Zhang, Y.Y., Li Y.Z.& Chen, C.* (2015). Cellular redox regulation and thiol modification. Chinese Bulletin of Life Sciences 27(3), 374-382.

      14. Zhou, Q.J., Li, J.M., Yu, H., Zhai, Y.J., Gao, Z., Liu, Y.X., Pang, X.Y., Zhang, L.F., Schulten, K*., Sun, F*. & Chen, C.* (2014).Molecular insights into the membrane-associated phosphatidylinositol 4-kinase IIα. Nat. Commun. 5, 35-52.

      15. Li, J.M., Zhang, L.F., Gao, Z., Kang, H., Rong, G., & Chen, C.* (2014). Dual inhibition of EGFR at protein and activity level via combinatorial blocking of PI4KIIα and EGFR as anti-tumor strategy. Protein & Cell 5(6), 457-468.

      16. Wu, K., Ren, R., Su, W., Wen, B., Zhang, Y., Yi, F., Qiao, X., Yuan, T., Wang, J., Liu, L., Belmonte J.*, Liu, G*. & Chen, C.* (2014). A novel suppressive effect of alcohol dehydrogenase 5 in neuronal differentiation. J. Biol. Chem. 289, 20193-20199.

      17. Wu, K., Zhang, Y., Wang, P., Zhang, L., Wang, T. & Chen, C.* (2014). Activation of GSNOR transcription by NF-kappaB negatively regulates NGF-induced PC12 differentiation. Free Radical Res. 48(9), 1011-1017.

      18. Mao, K.R., Chen, S.Z., Chen, M.K., Ma, Y.L., Wang, Y., Huang, B., He, Z.Y., Zeng, Y., Hu, Y., Sun, S.H., Li, J., Wu, X.D., Wang, X.R., Strober, W., Chen, C.*, Meng, G.X.* & Sun. B. * (2013). Nitric oxide suppresses NLRP3 inflammasome activation and protects against LPS-induced septic shock. Cell Res. 23, 201-212.

      19. Zhang, X., Huang, B., Zhang, L., Zhang, Y.Y., Zhao, Y.Y., Guo, X.F., Qiao, X.H. & Chen, C.* (2012). SNObase, a database for S-nitrosation modification. Protein & Cell 3(12), 929-933.

      20. Hou, Q.L., Jiang, H.Q., Zhang, X., Guo, C., Huang, B., Wang, P., Wang, T.P., Wu, K.K., Li, J., Gong, Z.F., Du, L.B., Liu, Y., Liu, L. & Chen, C.* (2011). Nitric oxide metabolism controlled by formaldehyde dehydrogenase (fdh, homolog of mammalian GSNOR) plays a crucial role in visual pattern memory in Drosophila. Nitric Oxide-Bio. Chem. 24, 17-24.

      21. Zhang, X., Huang, B., Zhou, X.X. & Chen, C.* (2010). Quantitative proteomic analysis of S-nitrosated proteins in diabetic mouse liver with ICAT switch method. Protein & Cell 1(7), 675-687.

      22. Huang, B. & Chen, C.* (2010). Detection of protein S-Nitrosation using irreversible biotinylation procedures (IBP). Free Radic. Biol. Med. 49, 447-456.

      23. Li, J.M., Lu, Y., Zhang, J.H., Kang, H., Qin, Z.H.* & Chen, C.* (2010). PI4KIIα is a novel regulator of tumor growth via its action on angiogenesis and HIF-1α regulation. Oncogene 29, 2550-2559.

      24. Wang, P., Liu, G.H.* Wu, K.Y., Qu, J., Huang, B., Zhang, X., Zhou, X.X. & Chen, C.* (2009). Repression of classical nuclear export by S-nitrosylation of CRM1. J. Cell Sci. 20(122), 3772-3779.

      25. Qu, J., Liu, G.H.* Wu, K.Y., Han, P.W., Wang, P., Li, J.M., Zhang, X.,& Chen, C.* (2007). Nitric oxide destabilizes pias3 and regulates sumoylation. PLoS One 2(10), e1085.

      26. Qu, J., Liu, G.H., Huang, B. & Chen, C.* (2007). Nitric oxide controls nuclear export of APE1/Ref-1 through S-nitrosation of cysteines 93 and 310. Nucleic Acids Research 8(35), 2522-2532.

      27. He, J., Wang, T.P., Wang, P., Han, P.W.& Chen, C.* (2007). A novel mechanism underlying the susceptibility of neuronal cells to nitric oxide: the occurrence and regulation of protein S-nitrosylation is the checkpoint. J. Neurochem. 6(102): 1863-1874.


      1. 陈畅、黄波,特异检测蛋白质或多肽半胱氨酸巯基修饰的方法及其用途,ZL200910084155.7,授权日期:2013.8.28,授权公告号:CN101893634B。

      2. 陈畅、李江美,肌醇磷脂4位激酶二型α亚型 PI4KIIα的应用,ZL200810104272,授权日期:2013.05.08,授权公告号:CN101560546B。

      3. 陈畅、罗成、蒋华良、李江美、高振、赵丹、张伦峰、乔新华,肌醇磷脂4位激酶二型α亚型特异抑制剂PI-273的应用,申请号:201510831539.6,申请日期:2015.11.25,申请公布号:CN105326831A。

      4. 万一、陈畅、高磊、张玉英、乔新华、王琰,NO累积降低铜绿假单胞菌侵袭力的方法、靶点及应用,申请号:201510697439.9,申请日期:2015.10.23,申请公布号:CN105287622A。

      5. 万一、陈畅、高磊、张玉英、乔新华、王琰,NO累积降低铜绿假单胞菌侵袭力的方法、靶点及应用,申请号:PCT/CN2016/102973。


      1. Chang Chen, H. R. Tang, and P. Belton. Natural antioxidants - an ESR perspective, in "Magnetic Resonance in Food Science”, Ed. G.A. Webb, The Royal Society of Chemistry publishing, UK. 2000.

      2. 陈畅,“一氧化氮功能及其作用机制”,《自由基生物医学》第七章,主编:郑荣梁、赵崇义、魏耀挥、黄中洋,艺轩图书出版社,台湾,2013,ISBN 978-957-616-983-0.



  •   2015 获中华人民共和国国务院“政府特殊津贴”

      2014 中国科学院京区“巾帼建功”先进个人

      2012 获国家杰出青年科学基金

      2006 获第13届国际自由基大会青年研究者奖(亚洲)

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